IEC24 - 2. Information and Matchmaking Event
INNOVATION EXPRESS CALL 2024 (IEC24) for Circular Bioeconomy Value Chains is open from March – July 2024
EC24 is a joint call for collaborative project proposals which facilitates the development of transregional circular bioeconomy value chainsIt is implemented by synchronizing existing regional funding schemes in the Alpine Space and beyond. The funding partners support transregional and cross-sector collaboration for the development of innovative solutions in two thematic fields:
1) Application and development of technologies for the implementation and expansion of biobased solutions in the areas of
a) Circular production
b) Bio-based materials and products
2) Innovative solutions for climate protection and decarbonisation of value chains
a) Sustainable supply chains
b) Decarbonised supply chains
a) Circular production
b) Bio-based materials and products
2) Innovative solutions for climate protection and decarbonisation of value chains
a) Sustainable supply chains
b) Decarbonised supply chains
10:15 | Opening of the virtual room |
10:30 | Welcome |
10:40 | Keynote "Recent developments in the bioeconomy in Europe and worldwide & impact on INNOBIOVC" - Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Patermann |
11:00 | Value Chain Generator (VCG.ai) & Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT) |
11:15 | Project pitching: partner search for a project idea |
11:40 | Matchmaking & B2B discussions |
12:00 | End |